
May 21

Resources for Thinking Christianly About the Christian’s Role in the Public Sphere

2013 | by Trent Hunter | Category: Sermon Follow-Up

Here are a few resources in follow up to Sunday’s message, “Dual Citizenship,” from 1 Peter 2:11-17.

May 15

Clarus ’13 Recap – “One-Anothering the Word”

2013 | by Trent Hunter | Category: Clarus 13

If you have relationships or know someone who does, then keep reading.

58006_527631897275811_553404974_nPaul Tripp and Timothy Lane have teamed up on a number of writing projects over the years, including How People Change and Relationships: A Mess Worth Making. Earlier this spring, Tripp and Lane joined us at Desert Springs Church to address the theme, “One-Anothering the Word,” at Clarus ’13, The Gospel Coalition’s Southwest Regional Conference.

These men have thought carefully and deeply from the Bible about how our broken relationships can be redeemed, and about how God actually uses our relationships with “one another” to conform us into the image of his Son. Every relationship, even difficult ones, are a gift of God’s grace for our growth in the knowledge and likeness of Christ.

In addition to a panel discussion, each of the men spoke three times. Below you’ll find a round up of their talks, including links to audio, video, and blog summaries, followed by session videos in the order they were delivered. Photos from the conference are available at the TGC Albuquerque Facebook page.

Timothy Lane

“Why Are Friendships So Important?”
- Ephesians 4:1-16 (audio, blog recap)

“Godly and Ungodly Conflict”
- James 4:1-12 (audio, blog recap)

“Practicing Forgiveness: What to Do When You Fail”
- Matthew 18:21-35 (audio, blog recap)

Paul Tripp

“Self-Examination Is a Community Project”
- Hebrews 3:13 (audio, blog recap)

“The Essential Ministry of the Body of Christ”
- Colossians 3:12-16 (audio, blog recap)

“The Difference Between Amazement and Faith”
- Mark 6:45-52 (audio, blog recap)

Panel Discussion

Ryan Kelly with Paul Tripp and Timothy Lane (audio, video, blog recap)

May 13

Facebook, Arrows, and the Pro-Life Home (The Link List, 5/13/13)

2013 | by Trent Hunter | Category: Link List

Preparing for the Future in the Age of Facebook,” by Alex Chediak

“Our best work simply can’t be done in five minute increments between text messages.”

Raising Arrow Children,” by Douglas Wilson

Don’t reduce your children to being “adorable,” and miss out on the promise of formidable children, arrows in the hand of a warrior.

Donald Rumsfeld’s Rules for Successful Meetings,” by Donald Rumsfeld

Common grace wisdom for the dynamic work of leading people through meetings.

The Gay Marriage Campaign and the Despotism of Conformism,” by Justin Taylor

A helpful analysis of “the peculiar non-judgmental tyranny of the gay-marriage campaign, which judges harshly those who dare to judge how people live.”

Advice for the Pop Culturally Perplexed,” by Ted Turnau

Consider five ways to understand popular culture, and therefore engage popular culture.

Gosnell, Law, and Modest First Steps,” by Christopher O. Tollefsen

The Gosnell case shows us that a society’s laws teach, and if they teach a lesson of injustice they will corrupt its people over time.

The Real Life of the Pro-Life Home,” by Rachel Jankovic

“But the truth is that abortion is the sacrifice that our religion of selfishness requires . . . Motherhood is the big-leagues of self-sacrifice . . . It is the real life of the pro-life movement, and it will change the world.”

‘Supercharged’ heart pumps blood up a giraffe’s neck,” by Jody Bourton

Giraffes display the glory of God with their long necks and custom designed hearts.

9 Things You Should Know About Pornography and the Brain,” by Joe Carter

Joe Carter discusses the neurological dynamics involved with pornography addiction in this frank, though non-graphic, discussion of this always urgent subject.

May 8

Is Christ the Only Way to God?

2013 | by Trent Hunter | Category: Gospel

That’s a question we should be able to answer for ourselves and for anyone who asks. It’s a yes or no question, and on the basis of Scripture we must say, “Yes! There is a way to God, and that way is Christ.”

Here’s R.C. Sproul’s answer to the question:

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May 2

Help For Reading the Bible

2013 | by Trent Hunter | Category: Sermon Follow-Up

Sunday morning’s sermon, “Like Newborn Infants…” was about our need for the Bible. We need the Bible like infants need milk. This requires the devotion of our time to actually reading our Bibles.

Few people could say that same thing better than D.A. Carson. Here’s an excerpt from his book, Love in Hard Places.

“Christians must recapture the Bible-reading habits of some earlier generations. . . . The impact of the cultural pressures upon us, not least from the media, is so devastatingly great that only a mind steeped in thinking God’s thoughts after him will begin to withstand the onslaught. What this demands of every believer who can red is devoted, reverent  disciplined reading and rereading of the Word of God, a reading discharged in an attitude of eager attentiveness. And what such reading presupposes is time. I am not trying to impose a new legalism. I am sadly aware that it is possible to read the Bible a gerat deal and merely become self-righteous or wallow in unbelief; but I doubt that it is possible to obey the fist command without reading the Bible a great deal.”

In this post we would like to link to a number of helpful articles, books, and resources for helping you read your Bible better. Each book mentioned below is available at Amazon, with a link provided, but also at DSC within a dollar or two of Amazon pricing at the Book Nook.

Bibles and Bible Study Helps

  • If you have a commute or time for listening in general, there are several ways to listen to the Bible. Check out the ESV Bible online or download audio from Faith Comes By Hearing.
  • There are many fine translations, but at DSC we use the ESV Bible published by Crossway, available online, or at DSC for 40% off at the Book Nook.
  • Bible study booklets can also be helpful for helping walk you through a book of the Bible with thoughtful questions. The “John Stott Bible Study” series is worth checking out, along with Crossway’s new, “Knowing the Bible” series.

Resources for those who aren’t Christians

  • If you are new to the Bible, start with the book of John.
  • For some, an introduction to the Bible’s basic message and teaching will be especially helpful. Two great first reads are, John Stott’s, Basic Christianity, and, J.I. Packer’s, Knowing God.
  • For a brief online presentation of the heart of the Bible, the gospel message, check out “Two Ways to Live.”

Bible Reading Plans

  • For the Love of God (Vol. 1, Vol. 2) is a two volume series of books written by D.A. Carson providing daily reading to supplement the M’Cheyne reading plan. This plan assigns reading to days, so it is the easiest to begin this plan at the head of the year, but you could also jump in now.
  • For a reading plan without dates assigned, look into The Bible Reading Record, by Don Whitney. It’s a simple list of every chapter in the Bible. With this, you can read at whatever pace you like and keep track of what you’ve read until you’re through the Bible.

Encouragement for Reading the Bible

Help for Interpreting the Bible