
Aug 12

Spurgeon on Mary and Martha

2009 | by Ryan Kelly | Category: Quote,Recommended Link,Sermon Follow-Up

Last Sunday, we looked at Mary and Martha’s hospitality to Jesus in Luke 10:38-42 (audio here). I’ve since had the joy of reading Spurgeon’s sermon on the story. Here are a couple of highlights.

To those busy do-ers, like Martha, he says:

Perhaps, you are a very hard-working man. You have very little rest during the week, and in order to bring up your family comfortably, you strain every nerve; you live as you should, economically, and you work diligently; from morning to night the thought with you is, “How shall I fill these many little mouths? How shall I bring them up properly? How shall I, as a working man, pay my way?” Very right; I wish all working men would be equally thoughtful and economical, and that there were fewer of those foolish spendthrifts who waste their substance when they have it, and who, the moment there is a frost, or they are out of employ, become paupers, loafing upon the charity of others. I commend your industry, but, but, but, at the same time, is that all? Were you made only to be a machine for digging holes, laying bricks, or cutting out pieces of wood? Were you created only to stand at a counter and measure or weigh out goods? do you think your God made you for that and that only? Is this the chief end of man—to earn shillings a week, and try to make ends meet therewith? is that all immortal men were made for? As an animal like a dog, nor a machine like a steam engine, can you stand up and look at yourself, and say, “I believe I am perfectly fulfilling my destiny”? I beg this morning to interject that quiet “but,” right into the middle of your busy life, and ask from you space for consideration, a pause for the voice of wisdom, that a hearing may be granted her… Yes, but there is a higher bread to be earned, and there is a higher life to be considered. Hence the Lord puts it, “Labour not for the meat that perisheth,” that is to say, not for that first and foremost; “but for that which endureth unto life eternal.” God hath made man that he may glorify him; and whatever else man accomplishes, if he fail to reach that end, and make eternal shipwreck, unless he comes to sit at Jesus’ feet; there and there only can he learn how to sanctify his business and to consecrate his labour, and so bring forth unto God; through his grace, that which is due to him.

Of those who might misappropriate Mary’s example with frivolity and love of pleasure, he says:

They are not cumbered with much serving; rather, they laugh at those who cumber themselves about anything. They are merry as the birds, their life is as the flight of a butterfly, which lightly floats from flower to flower, according to its own sweet will; with neither comb to make, nor hive to guard. Now, thou gay young man, what doth solomon say to thee? “Rejoice, O young man, in thy youth; and let thy heart cheer thee in the days of thy youth; but”—there comes in a pause, and the cool hand of wisdom is laid upon the hot brow of folly, and the youth is asked to think awhile—”but know thou, that for all these things, God will bring thee into judgement.” It cannot be that an immortal spirit was made of frivolities; a soul immortal spending all her fires on the playthings of the world, “resembles ocean into tempest toss’d, to waft a feather, or to drown a fly.” So great a thing as an immortal soul could not have been made by God with no higher object than to spend itself upon trifles light as air. Oh, pause a while, thou careless, godless one, and hear the voice that saith unto thee, “but.” There is something more than the fool’s hell; and should not life be? The charms of music, the merriment of the gay assembly, the beauties of art, and the delights of banqueting—there must be something more for thee than these; and something more must be required of thee than that thou shouldst waste from morn to night thy precious time upon nothing but to please thyself. 

You can read the whole thing here. 

Also, some older DSC sermons might be of interest if you want follow-up on a related theme:

Aug 1

Why Listen to Solomon?

2009 | by Ryan Kelly | Category: Quote,Recommended Link,Sermons

Josh Harris asks why we should listen to Solomon’s proverbial wisdom since he rather famously strayed from it himself. Josh suggests that there’s a lesson in that very fact:

We learn that wisdom isn’t a badge you earn once and then get to wear for the rest of your life. You’re only as wise as your next decision. Don’t say, “I’m wise…look at all I’ve done in years gone by.” Show me your wisdom by your next choice. Prove your wisdom by fearing God today.

Read the rest of his post here. Some good thoughts.

By the way, if you’re new to DSC and wanting to explore Proverbs more, you might be interested in a series on Proverbs (28 messages) that we finished about a year ago.

Aug 1

Sunday: The Good Samaritan

2009 | by Ryan Kelly | Category: Sermons,This Sunday

This Sunday we’ll look at Luke 10:25-37 — Jesus’ parable of “the good samaritan.”

In addition to reading the passage before we meet on the Lord’s Day morning, check out this video to the old Keith Green song, “Road to Jericho.”

Jul 31

Piper Poem on Luke 10:20

2009 | by Ryan Kelly | Category: Quote,Sermon Follow-Up

In light of last Sunday’s message on Luke 10:1-24, this post from John Piper is timely for us. He writes:

On vacation I was meditating on Luke 10:17-20 where Jesus tells us not to be overly excited about our ability to do feats of triumph in defeating the devil. Rather he says, fix the root of your joy in this: Your names are written in heaven. Amazing.

Most of us are moved more by the fireworks of miracles than by the mere assurance of salvation. Something is amiss. So I lingered long enough here to put my heart right. And in the process wrote a poem.

Rejoice! Your Names Are Written in Heaven

Luke 10:17-20 –
The seventy-two returned with joy, saying, “Lord, even the demons are subject to us in your name!” And he said to them, “I saw Satan fall like lightning from heaven. Behold, I have given you authority to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy, and nothing shall hurt you. Nevertheless, do not rejoice in this, that the spirits are subject to you, but rejoice that your names are written in heaven.”

How quickly does a lightening bolt

Fall from the blackened clouds and strike the forest fair!

How powerful the fleeting volt

That vanishes at once and leaves a cinder there!

So quickly falls the ancient Snake

From his condemning height with all his cruel pangs,

When in Your name and for Your sake

We wield your mighty word and break his deadly fangs.

And as we leap to celebrate

This triumph in our hands, this best of mountain peaks,

Your voice, so calm and full of weight,

Cuts through our ecstasy, our festival, and speaks:

“Do not rejoice in this, dear ones,

That Satan and his hordes are subject to your voice,

But that, in heav’n as treasured sons,

Your names are written down. In this, in this, rejoice!

Rejoice, rejoice, my friends, my prize!

Your names are written there, in blood with my own hand.

Rejoice and sing, rejoice, arise

And leap for this: before the world, your name was planned.

Rejoice, your name is written there

Secure, and by this Lamb it is forever placed.

And thus by my own blood I swear:
Your name will never be, no never be, erased.”

Jul 29

A Shocking Thing to Forget Him

2009 | by Ryan Kelly | Category: Lord's Supper,Quote

In light of our Lord’s Supper service tonight (6:30 PM), below is a modern hymn by D.A. Carson on how shocking it is that we would forget the Savior and need to remember him as we do in the communion meal. Let’s come together tonight in song, scripture, and symbol for the much-needed remembrance of Christ.

A shocking thing, this, that we should forget
The Savior who gave up his life –
To turn from the cross, indifferent, and let
Our minds veer toward self-love and strife.
The table, this rite, is habit – and yet
Christ’s words pierce our shame like a knife:

While breaking the bread, the Lord Jesus said,
“Do this in remembrance of me.”

Enamored with power, surrounded with praise,
We set out our ecclesial plans.
Efficiency hums, and we spend our days
Defending, promoting our stands.
Techniques multiply, our structures amaze –
The gospel slips out of our hands.

While breaking the bread, the Lord Jesus said,
“Do this in remembrance of me.
O remember, remember the cross.
From my side issued water and blood,
This was no accident,
I bore the wrath of my God.”

“Remember my bed, the dank cattle shed,
Though glory was all my domain.
Remember the years of service and tears
That climaxed in lashings of pain.
By God’s own decree, your guilt fell on me,
And all of my loss is your gain.”

While breaking the bread, the Lord Jesus said,
“Do this in remembrance of me.”

“Remember my tears, Gethsemene’s fears;
Recall that my followers fled,
That I was betrayed, disowned and arraigned –
The Prince of Life crucified, dead.
Remember your shame, your sin and your blame;
Remember the blood that I shed.”

While lifting the cup, the Savior spoke up,
“Do this in remembrance of me.”

So now when we eat this feast simply spread
I blush I forget to recall.
For this quiet rite means once more I have fed
On bread that gave life once for all;
Memorial feast—just wine, broken bread—
And time to reflect on Christ’s call:

While breaking the bread, the Lord Jesus said,
“Do this in remembrance of me.”

From the album, Shout with Delight.