
Aug 25

Praying for Las Palmas Church

2010 | by Trent Hunter | Category: Prayer

Ernesto and Maggie Vega serve in Juarez Mexico where Ernesto is pastor of Las Palmas Church.  Despite the fact that Juarez is now technically the most dangerous city in the world, they have remained faithful to encourage the believers and welcome those looking for eternal security and forgiveness in Christ. Yesterday, we received a troubling report:

Ernesto called this morning with troublesome news. While his youth group was painting scripture (picture attached) on the outside wall of the church, a man approached the youth group and informed them that he was going to fill Ernesto with lead.

Over the past few years many threats have been made against people in Juarez and in Ernesto’s neighborhood, and the vast majority of threats are carried out. One threat, made in October, was to a man in Ernesto’s neighborhood, he was told that he would be killed on new year’s eve. Two months later he was executed on new year’s eve. Last Sunday alone 51 people were murdered in Juarez bringing the death count to over 1800 for 2010. The horrific slaughter of human life started in drug wars and has now spread to the common people.

Ernesto and Maggie are at peace knowing they are in the will of our Lord.

Please join us in prayer for Ernesto, Maggie, Juarez, the congregation and for the man who is threatening them.

Many here at DSC have met Ernesto and Maggie and love them and their church. Please pray for this situation, that God will protect and grow His church as well as save the lost in and through these dark times.

Aug 20

What Is the Gospel?

2010 | by Trent Hunter | Category: Gospel,Sermon Follow-Up

In follow up to Sunday’s sermon, here are three resources to help you better understand and explain the gospel:

Aug 18

Follow up on Sermon from John 4

2010 | by Trent Hunter | Category: Gospel,Sermon Follow-Up

In Sunday’s sermon, Ryan expanded on last week’s exposition of Jesus’ encounter with a Samaritan woman from John 4. Here are thirteen Lessons from Jesus on Witnessing.

1. We must go to them

2. We must remember that everything is a “divine appointment” or a “God-moment”

3. We should connect with people in normal ways

4. We must, at some point, make a conscious turn toward the spiritual

5. We must talk about sin appropriately

6. We should appeal to the emptiness of this life (and Christ as satisfaction)

7. We must be wise and clever to avoid the rabbit trails

8. We must focus on Jesus – who he is and what he came to do

9. We must communicate substitution and the nature of saving faith

10. We should explain what salvation is “unto” (i.e., worship)

11. We must be confident that the results are up to God

12. This mission should be our “food”

13. When in doubt, simply tell your story and invite others to examine further

Jul 26

DSC and the ESV

2010 | by Ryan Kelly | Category: Administrative

On Sunday, I announced that DSC will now be using the English Standard Version of the Bible in its corporate worship. For many of you, something along the lines of “well, it’s about time!” was what came to mind when you heard that. Others might have wondered why we’d switch from using the NASB after so many years. So let me expound on each of those possible responses.

Why is DSC Switching to the ESV?

1.  The ESV is a very good translation. It’s an “essentially literal Bible translation that combines word-for-word precision and accuracy with literary excellence, beauty, and readability.” It’s in a similar translation vein as the NASB, but is arguably more readable. (You can read more about their translation philosophy here.)

2.  The translation committee, and the 50 or so scholars who reviewed the translation committee’s work, are top-notch evangelical scholars with whom we regularly find ourselves in agreement. It’s also endorsed and used by many pastors and other ministry leaders that we, as a church, already respect.

3.  Crossway, the ESV’s publisher, has been smart and generous with their translation. The ESV is increasingly available in a variety of multimedia formats. For instance, I have a searchable ESV widget on my Mac. Unlike some other publishers (particularly the Lockman Foundation who publishes the NASB), Crossway seems quick and selfless to give the ESV freely for other ministries to use. They also have some great covers on their Bibles, if aesthetics is a factor for you.

4.  The ESV Study Bible is, in my estimation, the best study Bible available. We want our people to be using the ESVSB, so it makes sense for us to be preaching from the same translation. Similarly, the ESV Children’s Bible is the best children’s Bible I know of. We are often pointing parents and children to these Bibles.

5.  Perhaps for all of the above reasons, it already seems to be the translation in the hands of most of DSC-ers. If it has become the most widely used translation in a church that has been using something else, it probably is an indication that we are indeed behind the times!

So Why Did it Take Us So Long to Switch to the ESV?

Well, I’m afraid I have to take the majority of the blame for that, for two reasons:

1.  I have a general suspicion of bandwagons, not because bandwagons are never right, but because I can easily and thoughtlessly go along with them — especially when I already like who’s on the wagon! So when many good, godly, wise, smart people so quickly came out in favor of the ESV, I felt the need to wait, read, wait, study, and let simmer until I was myself convinced that the ESV is not only a good translation, but the best translation. So over the years I have casually used the ESV along side other translations and the originals, and occasionally spent intense times studying it in certain places. No translation is perfect (the French have a saying, “all translation is treason!”), of course, but I do think the ESV is the best overall English option.

2.  I have had one preaching Bible thus far — an NASB which I bought in 1999 in my first week of my first pastorate. It’s been an old friend through over a decade of weekly preaching and teaching. The thought of putting it down has seemed like taking your old dog out for a one way trip to the Mesa. Well, I don’t have to shoot and bury my NASB thankfully, but it is time that its disintegrating pages find some rest on a shelf. The old dog just can’t hunt like it used to. I suspected for years that my next preaching Bible would be an ESV, but I’d been putting it off and limping around with my old familiar NASB. The ESV will take some getting used to, for sure. Perhaps the biggest reason is that beloved passages are in different places on the page in my new ESV, so I’m a little clumsy with it.

But that, in fact, reminds me of something else I appreciate about the ESV. No matter the edition, page layouts are exactly the same. Get a new ESV and 2 Cor. 4 will be in the same place. I like that. That’ll help me when, 30+ years from now, I’m the old dog who’s limping along.

Jul 8

Dr. Ed Stetzer at DSC

2010 | by Ryan Kelly | Category: Recommended Link,Sermon Follow-Up,Sermons

We were privileged to have Ed Stetzer preaching for us on Sunday, July 18th. He preached from 1 Peter 4:8-11, “Empowering All God’s People for Mission.” If you missed it, please do take the time to listen.

Ed Stetzer

Dr. Stetzer is President of LifeWay Research (SBC) and is LifeWay’s Missiologist in Residence, where he oversees a large team of Christian researchers examining the health of churches worldwide. He has planted, pastored, and revitalized numerous churches; and he has trained pastors and church planters around the world. He holds two master’s degrees and two doctorates, and has written several books. Dr. Stetzer is frequently cited or interviewed in news outlets such as USA Today and CNN.

In short, he is one of this generation’s leading thinkers in the areas of evangelism, church planting, and culture, so, again, it is a great privilege for us to have him preach for us. He’ll be preaching from Invite a friend to join you that Sunday.

If you’d like to spend some time getting to know Ed and his work some more, here are some things to check out: