Archive for April, 2014

Apr 4

Help for Helping People who Struggle with Same Sex Attraction

2014 | by Trent Hunter | Category: Recommended Resources

On Saturday we will spend three hours together considering the topic of homosexual marriage and numerous related issues. It’s from 9:00 AM-12:00 PM. Click here to register if you haven’t already.

To give you a running start on the topic, here’s an immensely helpful one-hour lecture by Sam Williams from Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary, titled, “A Christian Psychology of and Response to Homosexuality.” This is a thoughtful reflection and analysis of the personal and historical dynamics involved in same-sex attraction, its causes, the nature of change, and how the gospel intersects with these issues.

[RSS and email readers, click here to view this video]

For a summary paper of the social-science research by Mark Yarhouse, whom Sam cites several times, read Yarhouse’s paper, “At the Intersection of Religious and Sexual Identities: A Christian Perspective on Homosexuality.”

At Saturday’s seminar we will explore these issues across the morning and with particular focus in the third hour.