Archive for 2011

Aug 1

Audio for August: “90 Days Through the New Testament”

2011 | by Trent Hunter | Category: Recommended Link

We’ve been listening through the New Testament together for two months now. Below is a list of links for the month of August. In addition, we will continue to post links to audio daily at the DSC Facebook page.

By way of reminder, DSC’s audio sermon archive is searchable by series and topic. This could be helpful should  you come across an issue in your reading that peaks your interest.

Audio for August

August 1 Catch-up Day
August 2 1 Corinthians 16 – 2 Corinthians 4
August 3 2 Corinthians 5-8
August 4 2 Corinthians 9-12
August 5 2 Corinthians 13 – Galatians 3
August 6 Galatians 4 – Ephesians 1
August 7 Ephesians 2-5
August 8 Ephesians 6 – Philippians 3
August 9 Philippians 4 – Colossians 2
August 10 Colossians 3 – 1 Thessalonians 3
August 11 1 Thessalonians 4 – 2 Thessalonians 3
August 12 1 Timothy 1-5
August 13 1 Timothy 6 – 2 Timothy 3
August 14 2 Timothy 4 – Philemon
August 15 Hebrews 1-5
August 16 Hebrews 6-9
August 17 Hebrews 10-11
August 18 Hebrews 12 – James 1
August 19 James 2-5
August 20 1 Peter 1-3
August 21 1 Peter 4 – 2 Peter 2
August 22 2 Peter 3 – 1 John 2
August 23 1 John 3-5
August 24 2 John – Revelation 1
August 25 Revelation 2-3
August 26 Revelation 4-6
August 27 Revelation 7-11
August 28 Revelation 12-14
August 29 Revelation 15-17
August 30 Revelation 18-19
August 31 Revelation 20-22

For an overview of the plan, visit the landing page or download the brochure.

Jul 28

“The Word on Parenting” – Parenting Seminar Audio

2011 | by Trent Hunter | Category: Recommended Resources

Just about one month ago now, Fred Zaspel joined us for a Parenting Seminar weekend, “The Word on Parenting.” Over the months of June and July we’ve featured a number of helpful parenting resources, and shortly after the weekend, we posted a list of Fred’s personal resource recommendations to the blog.

Now, if you weren’t able to join us, the seminar audio is available as well. Fred delivered three talks during this time with us, each of them on a different aspect of faithful Christian parenting, and each of them equally important.

On the subject of family worship in particular, there are a number of helpful resources available. John and Neol Piper have published an article they’ve written, called, “The Family: Together in God’s Presence.” You can pick this up in pamphlet form for not cost at the Resource Center, or read it online here. In his series from 2008, Proverbs: Wisdom for the Home, Ryan preached a helpful sermon on the subject, “The Family Together in Corporate Worship.” Finally, Fred Zaspel personally recommends an article by Jim Eliff that he’s found helpful, “The Heart of Family Reformation.

Click here for more sermons on parenting from DSC.

Jul 25

Man Books at the Resource Center, July 31-August 7

2011 | by Trent Hunter | Category: Book Nook

Last week we published a blog introducing our speakers, the schedule, and theme for this year’s The Man Conference. This conference is now just under two weeks away.

This week, we’d like to highlight some books that we will be featuring at the Resource Center over the next two weeks. While these books aren’t all about men, then are about the things that men should be largely about: knowing God, purity, leadership, being conformed to Christ, guarding doctrine, family.

While our featured material is now Man Books, we still have a number of parenting resources available from our emphasis on parenting in June and July. Also, Dave Bruskas was our speaker at last year’s Man Conference, “A Call to Fight for Biblical Manhood,” and delivered several excellent talks available here.

By way of reminder this year’s theme for, The Man Conference, is “Fighting for Godliness.” The event is free and will take place on Saturday, August 6, from 9:00 AM – 3:30 PM at Desert Springs Church.

Jul 20

Sola Aqua 2011

2011 | by Trent Hunter | Category: Mission

Jesus wants people to have water. He made it and he made us to need it in order to live. But he came and went to the cross in order that we might live eternally. That’s why he says to us, “Everyone who drinks of this water will be thirsty again, but whoever drinks fo the water that I will give h im will never be thirsty again. The water that I will give him will become in him a spring of water welling up to eternal life” (John 4:13-14).

Jesus is that water.

As those who have received this water, we can’t but offer it to anyone who will listen. Here’s a video highlighting some of God’s work through DSC among the Achi during a recent water trip to Guatemala:

[RSS and Email readers, click here to view this video]

In support of this important work among the Achi, we fast and pray together for one week each year. We call this effort, Sola Aqua. This year, from July 24-31, we will fast from all drinks besides water, and pray for the Achi to know the One who offers them living water. Then, at the July 27 Lord’s Supper or on Sunday, July 31, we will donate the money we saved toward the next mission trip to Guatemala.

The next mission trip to Guatemala will take place from October 8-16. If you’re interested in going, contact Clint Moore for more information at,

You can learn more about the significance of Jesus’ offer of living water in Ryan Kelly’s explanation of the name of our church.

Jul 18

The Man Conference, August 6: “Fighting For Godliness”

2011 | by Trent Hunter | Category: Events

Men are important. Along with women, they are made in God’s image, but God has given to men a particular responsibility for leadership in the home and among God’s people. Of course, whether they mean to or not, men are always leading, even if to the wrong place. But men redeemed to God lead their families and churches in conformity to Christ and commitment to his work.

With this responsibility in mind, the theme for this year’s, The Man Conference, is “Fighting for Godliness.” The event will take place on Saturday, August 6, from 9:00 AM – 3:30 PM at Desert Springs Church and is in partnership with three area churches: Blaze Christian Fellowship, Mars Hill Church, and Trinity at the Marketplace.

Our two speakers are both preaching pastors at two or our partnering churches: Carlos Montoya, from Blaze Christian Fellowship, and Michael Kelshaw, from Trinity at the Marketplace. Carlos’ story was recently published to the Acts 29 Blog and is worth your read. These are good men and they will lead us is looking to Christ and leading from the gospel.

Topics and Speakers:

“Fighting to be Gospel Centered,” Michael Kelshaw
“Fighting to be a Godly Husband and Dad,” Carlos Montoya
“Fighting to be On Mission,” Carlos Montoya


Morning Session 9:00 AM-12:00 PM
Lunch (not provided) 12:00-1:30 PM
Afternoon Session 1:30-3:30 PM

The cost is free, so we hope you can make it and bring a friend. For more information, contact Carlos Griego at